If you wanna contact us

email - sharkgnar@live.com

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Wednesday 18 August 2010

We went Manchester on Monday

This is basically what went down.

Little Si cried cus he got kicked off shutupandhate, Rube cried cus Matt tried to snap his leg off in the car door, Wintle cried cus he ate a helluva lot of sandwhiches and then forced to land a fucking trick and Matt cried cus Wintle Hit him with a skate tool.

Also rubes scary as fuck!


Friday 6 August 2010


Made some radical stickers today


Weston was stoked on his likeness having sharks choke on his appendages


Matthew thought they were pretty cool too


Got a new shark eye for my camera today also. Videos are incoming, the first being stoner charlies banging trick from alsager park!

Tuesday 3 August 2010

weston shark chokey

Sweet new graphic in the design stages for t-shirts that will never be made…or maybe

Sunday 1 August 2010

Church of SATAN


Matt set fire to this church and to celebrate crook pop over the rail! FUCK YEAH!